Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday, October 21

Class work:  Students worked in groups to analyze a political ad.  They used the OPTIC strategy to determine how all the elements of a t.v. ad contribute to the claim, rhetorical appeals and overall effectiveness.


O – Overview
Write a one-sentence overview of the advertisement: what do you see & what is the ad for? Who might be the audience?

P – Parts
What parts of the ad are most visually striking?

T – Title and Text
What text is present? What/how does it contribute to the ad’s message?

I - Interrelationships
What’s the “hidden promise” of the ad? Are there any symbolic meanings? What
tone or feelings are produced?

Rhetorical Appeals

Does the ad make any appeals to ethos? Explain how the ad tries to create a sense
of credibility, character, or reliability.

Does the ad make any appeals to logos? Explain how the ad makes use of logic,
facts, statistics, anecdotes, or other evidence.

Does the ad make any appeals to pathos? Explain the feelings the ad attempts to
elicit from those who see it.


How effective is this advertisement? What details help convey its message?

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading.  500 pages and book conference will be completed by Wednesday, October 26.
Also, if groups didn't finish ad analysis in class, they should as homework.