Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10, 2016

Possible Answers to "Practice" questions on p. 19 of textbook:

1.  A.  "Built in nobody's image", "Out of many, one", "bits and pieces"
     B.  The notion that unites America is that "all men are created equal" and that all the cultures that        are woven together to create the nation are equally important.
2.  The idea of the crazy quilt captures the tension at the heart of a America, for it is a coherent whole with a particular artistic quality that comes from the combination of different and even opposing cultures.
3.  see below:

4. A quilt is a familiar, comforting item.  And, at the time of Quindlen's writing (after 9/11), the U.S. people felt in need of comfort.

DUE TOMORROW - a rough draft of a summary for "A Quilt of a Country" - handwritten or typed, double-space or skip lines.